About Me

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I'm an out-of-work writer closing in on 40 and not happy about where I'm at - professionally. Happy with the fam, but not the career. I'm here to share my thoughts on everything. I often feel like Farmer Ted, but I also hope to end up with the hot girl in the end. "Hot Girl" being a metaphor for success, of course...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Noe is Brilliant

I've heard people label his films as "pretentious," "atrocious," "offensive," or simply "Euro-trash." While all that might be true, in my opinion, Gaspar Noe is creating art of the highest complexity and executing it with sniper-like precision. I, personally, applaud and thank him for it. May he continue to do so.

I foam at the mouth, along with a serious case of crackhead-jitters, in anticipation of this movie. I CANNOT WAIT!

"Enter The Void" looks like the greatest LSD trip ever caught on film. Sorry, Mr. Kubrick.

Do yourselves a favor and watch this video.


If you don't get it, well, I guess you should throw on your Avatar DVD and enjoy.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Adios, Jack Bauer...

I found myself forwarding to the last five minutes of the 24 series finale. A friend of mine was shocked and asked me why I didn't view it in its entirety. One word: TiVo. I also told him that I almost didn't even tune in at all. Plus, was anyone really expecting any real surprises? Seriously?

You see, I used to be a 24 fan long ago. These were the days when CTU was in Los Angeles and the plotline wasn't as repetitive and convoluted as it later became. The days when the most annoying character was Jack's daughter, the gorgeous Elisha Cuthbert. Man, was she annoying! In my opinion, the last great season of 24 was the 4th 'cause the 3rd really stunk it up when they - for no apparent reason whatsoever - partnered him up with some jackass who, by the way, happened to be drilling his daughter. C'mon!

The good ol' days of Jack Bauer: Savior of Mankind ended for me with that special 4th season.

I must admit I tuned in to the finale for nostalgic purposes only. I feel I paid my respects proper. For some inexplicable reason, I thought something insane would actually happen. Like maybe, it turns out that he's really an alien being from the outer reaches of the universe. That explains why this motherfucker won't die! I get it now. Instead, we were treated to the typical 24 universe tripe of the previous 4 seasons. Hey, perhaps, they're saving it for the movie, right?

So long, Jack. For the time being, at least.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why "Farmer Ted?"

I felt the need to start this blog 'cause whether you believe it or not, there's a Farmer Ted in all of us. A geek underdog. Yes. Really.
Sad as that may be, for some, it's not such a horrible thing. Let's explore what a true stud Farmer Ted really was.

Here's a kid who was 100% pure geekery; aside from being scrawny, annoying, and not good-looking at all. Kid couldn't even dance! Remember how he made a fool of himself at the high school dance? He just didn't have an iota of cool in him. So how is he a stud, you ask? Well, he had guts, balls, cojones, whatever else you wanna call 'em - the BIGGEST in the John Hughes universe. He was fearless. He dove headfirst into every single situation and, for the most part, came up empty. However, you gotta give it to him for trying, and trying, and trying, again and again. Farmer Ted had no quit in him. He spotted what he wanted and went for it head-on. This sort of attititude/behavior got him the hottest girl in the end.

As far as I'm concerned, he won. He was victorious. The Rocky of all geeks.

Persistence pays is the lesson here.

In closing, after an entire movie's worth of failures, Farmer Ted got the girl... and the Rolls Royce! Not bad for a geek.

I just gotta dig deep for my inner Farmer Ted and remind myself to stay focused and keep trying. No matter how bleak the shit might seem at times.